
POP3 y SMTP Actulizacion de ENero de 2011

Haciendome eco del Service Update de Febrero del 2011 os destaco (post original https://blogs.technet.com/b/msonline/archive/2011/01/07/service-update-january-2011-release-availability-features-announced.aspx) una de las mas solicitadas que os pego aqui mismo:

PowerShell Self-Service Administration for Forwarding Rules and POP Access
New commandlets have been added to Microsoft Online Services PowerShell capabilities to allow administrators to modify email forwarding rules and grant or remove POP email connectivity for users. Additionally, a link to Microsoft Online PowerShell documentation has been added to the Microsoft Online Administration Center. The new commandlets are:

  • Set-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient
  • Clear-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient
  • Enable-MSOnlinePOPAccess
  • Disable-MSOnlinePOPAccess


Os pegare la sintaxis en cuanto la tengamos disponible... :-) nos dicen que a mitad de Enero.


Mientras tanto id solicitando beta de Office 365 :-) a traves de la pagina oficial...