
Las doce cosas que le pedimos a CLoud Services de Microsoft (aka Microsoft Online)

SI, la verdad es que ser padre soltero me da tiempo para hacer 5 posts en un dia, pero este tambien es interesante.....feel free to blame

 EL equipo de diseño ha categorizado las 12 peticiones más habituales de los clientes/partners de mejora de los servicios, si teneis alguna.... servios a enviarla..... no se por que se han olvidado de la de los partners... "Por que no puedo facturar yo al cliente final?" pero, oye, todo se andará, os dejo el post..... ¿ a que os sentis identificados ?, todo hay que decir que MUCHAS de ellas estarán en W14 resueltas, Dios gracias....... prueba de que alguien lo ha leido :-)

Top 12 BPOS feature requests, based on support desk, advisory board and early adopter feedback:

1. Single SignOn:  The ability to sign in to Online Services and your own network with the same credentials

2. Sharing Free/Busy information in Outlook between on-premises and online users

3. The ability to federate Office Communications Online instant messaging with Office Communications Server, business partners and via Public IM Connectivity (PIC)

4. Hosted Voice Mail and Unified Messaging:  Integrating Exchange Online with an on-premises PBX to provide a single inbox for voice mail and email

5. Improved Blackberry Administration: Provide a web-based Blackberry Enterprise Server administration portal to enable customers to perform common administration functions without having to submit a service request

6. SharePoint Enterprise Features:  Anonymous access and extranet capability, cross site-collection search, BI features, “social” features like tagging and more

7. OC Conferencing and Voice:  Converge instant messaging, voice and conferencing in Office Communicator

8. Server-Service Parity:  Provide the same rich features of Exchange Server, SharePoint Server and Office Communications Server whether hosted or on-premises

9. More Configuration Control:  Remote Powershell, large batch processing, more control over policies and settings

10. More API’s and application integration opportunities

11. Public Folder support with Exchange Online

12. Email-enabled lists in SharePoint Online

Why 12? After this, requests dropped off pretty dramatically, so these were definitely at the top of most folks’ lists. We should also note that some of these features are already on deck as we update the service with Exchange and SharePoint 2010 capabilities later this year.

As with any discussion about capabilities and development, we always face some pretty aggressive trade-offs and prioritization. Said another way, we cannot guarantee that your favorite will be next in line, but we can guarantee that we will use your feedback to help us make those trade-offs. So, fire away! Please give us your feedback by commenting here or emailing our community mailbox at bposcom@microsoft.com