
Cielos..... parece que fué ayer (post retro)

Snif, me he puesto melancolico.... que tiempos aquellos en los que programaba y todo.... cagüen, tengo que volver a usar las neuronas, esto no puede seguir asi.... este verano vais a flipar con lo que estoy preparando en Azure. Os reireis, pero fue escrita hace 9 años y ha tenido 56K descargas, ya por entonces, me llamaba el lado oscuro, integrar Excel con llamadas MyODBC a MySQL..... pero a que mente perturbada se le puede ocurrir algo asi ???


Quotation Tool (Connects to a Remote MYSQL Database)

Author: Oscar Maqueda
Category: Database
Type: Applications
Difficulty: Advanced
Version Compatibility:  Visual Basic 6  

More information: This application allows you to build quotations for network components. Although it was developed for a specific business, it illustrates a number of interesting techniques, the most notable of which is connecting to a remote MySQL database via ODBC (for this to work, you must install MyODBC, available at https://redes.encomix.es/myodbc-2.50.37.zip). It has good demos of converting the contents of a grid control to Excel and working with treeview controls.

This code has been viewed 56042 times.

Instructions: Click the link below to download the code. Select 'Save' from the IE popup dialog. Once downloaded, open the .zip file from your local drive using WinZip or a comparable program to view the contents.
