
Retail experience: devices everywhere

Deliver flexibility and efficiency to point-of-sale, kiosk, digital signage, handheld terminals and peripheral devices.

From kiosks to point-of-sale or digital signage, embedded devices surround you when you are shopping. The retail devices are more and more connected and more and more “intelligent”, able to adapt to the customer using it, able to access inventories easily, able to report a maintenance need. Not only shoppers get a better experience, but retailers sell more :-).

In a previous post you have seen a video showing an Intel proof of concept of a digital signage device. Here is another one the Windows Embedded team put together to illustrate what I am talking about: the new retail experience.

Since DOS, Microsoft technologies have been widely used in the retail industry for different reasons: compatibility with the Enterprise infrastructure and PC world, manageability, vast existing ecosystem,… Windows Embedded brings the scalability, adapted licensing, componentization, better security and manageability,… not surprising this industry uses it: see this video from Kiosk.com event.