
Big Data I: 16 Papers and original articles


What are the most influential papers in the world of Big Data?  Let me suggest:

https://bit.ly/BigData1 We face a data management problem: IDC 2010 Digital Unverse Study
https://bit.ly/BigData2 First reference to “Big Data” I found on the web, on Nature 455
https://bit.ly/BigData3 In 2008, “Parallel programming in the Age of Big Data” described MapReduce as a framework that gained prominence on large web sites.
https://bit.ly/BigData4 The pathologies of big data” by Jacob Adams clearly explained the limitations of the relational database model
https://bit.ly/BigData7 An introduction and overview of “NoSQL databases” by Christof Strauch.
https://bit.ly/BigData18 My favorite document as of May 2011 is Dr Raplh Kimball “The evolving role of EDW in the era of Big Data Analytics
https://bit.ly/BigData6 A co-relational Model of Data for Large Shared Memory Banks” proposes a common query language for accesing relational or unestructured data
https://bit.ly/BigData13 McKinsey “Big Data: The next frontier for innovation, competition and productivity” focuses on the economic transformation
https://bit.ly/BigData17 The Promise and Peril of Big Data” by The Aspen Institute
https://bit.ly/BigData8 GigaOM “Big Data 2011 Preview” talks about opportunities for new business models.
https://bit.ly/BigData11 Hadoop and MapReduce: Big Data Analytics” provides suggestions on adopting commercial Hadoop implementations
https://bit.ly/BigData9 Tapping into the power of Big Data” from PricewaterhouseCoopers is on revising the CIO’s data playbok.

Introducing LINQ to HPC”by David Chappell describes the internal Microsoft approach to process unstructured data with Windows HPC.

https://bit.ly/BigData14 Defining Hadoop: Players, technologies and Challenges” covers the Hadoop ecosystem and use cases
https://rww.to/BigData15 The age of Exabytes: Tools and approaches for managing Big Data” on ReadWriteWeb
https://bit.ly/BigData16 Six guidelines on implementing Big Data Analytics, “TDWI Checklist Report: Big Data Analytics


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