
Friday Five: Azure IaaS, Dynamics 365 and More!

How to use Azure Infrastructure-As-a-Service (IaaS) in the most cost effective way - top 10 - survival guide

Christiaan Brinkhoff works as a Cloud Architect and Evangelist and owns his own independent consulting firm, where he focuses mainly on Public Cloud infrastructures and End-User Computing environments for the larger multinational enterprise customers for the EMEA and USA regions. He helps customers with the Digital Transformation, advises on Cloud strategies, and realizes on-premises and cloud-based environments. In addition to his work, he also shares his knowledge by speaking at several large international conferences, writes guest blogs, as well on his website, to share his passion for Cloud innovation.  Follow him on Twittter @Brinkhoff_C.

Power BI and Azure Machine Learning

Leila Etaati has a Ph.D. in Information System and is the only AI MVP in New Zealand and Australia region. She has spoken at over 100 international conferences such as Microsoft Ignite USA, Microsoft Data Insight Summit (USA), SQL PASS Summit (USA), Europe and So Forth. Leila has over 10 years experience in Data Platform fields as a consultant and trainer in various industry such as Bank, energy and so forth. Follow her on Twitter @leila_etaati

Dynamics 365 - CDS Changes Everything You Know

Steve Mordue, a Business Applications MVP, is CEO of Forceworks Global. Steve is also a member of the Worldwide Dynamics Partner Advisory Council. Steve transitioned his company from an SI to an ISV in recent years, around their flagship offering RapidStart CRM. RapidStart CRM is built entirely on the Common Data Service with PowerApps. Steve is highly engaged with the ISV community, and frequently writes on the issues at his blog. Follow him on Twitter @stevemordue

Techniques to make Azure Monitor alerts from Log Analytics more useful: Creating custom alerts with Azure Automation 

Cameron Fuller, System Center MVP for Cloud and Datacenter Management and Veeam Vanguard, is a Solution Director for Catapult Systems and serves as an Evangelist for System Center. He has 20 years of infrastructure experience, focused on management solutions. Cameron coauthored a number of System Center books, routinely contributes technical articles to popular Windows magazines, and maintains a highly technical blog. Additionally, you can find Cameron as a speaker at conferences like System Center Universe and the Midwest Management Summit! Follow him on Twitter @CFullerMVP.

Dynamics 365 Business Central: how to check if your Extension is running on a trial tenant 

Stefano Demiliani is a Microsoft MVP on Business Applications, a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer and a long-time expert on different Microsoft technologies. He works as a CTO for EID/Navlab (one of the main Microsoft Partners in Italy) and he’s the author of many Microsoft’s technologies related books. Follow him on Twitter @demiliani.