
Global Knowledge - Take Off Developer Event (Downloads)

Today I spend nearly the whole day at the Global Knowledge Take Off Developer event organized by Global Knowledge and Christian Nagel. I had the honor to deliver today's key note as well as foundation-session on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

In the key note I tried to build the bridge from current market trends such as Service Orientation, BPM, Web 2.0, Generation "U" and S+S to our Connected Systems stack. The reason for doing so is, that Connected System addresses parts of these market trends and with .NET 3.0 we address 4 of the 5 parts of our Connected Systems "technology model". This all is - in my opinion - to address parts of the trends we are currently faced with on the market (Web 2.0 -> longtail -> importance of consumer orientation -> user experience -> WPF as a part of user experience).

As the WCF session was just 45 min. long (okay, it took me 55 min.;) I had the chance to cover the basics around WCF's architecture and the ABCs, only. In general I think the event went very well...

I really hope the attendees liked my presentations (two very contrary ones - one very abstract and conceptual and the other one pure fashioned coding;).

You can finde the slides for download here and my WCF demo for download here...