
Cloud - Windows Azure - Combining PaaS & IaaS to get best of both worlds in your Architecture (cross-post - based on Basta 2013 Presentation)

Combining Virtual Machines (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) with highly scalable Cloud Services (Platform-as-a-Service) was very often an approach for the first step into the cloud for ISVs I've been working in the past years. Read more here about when that should be considered in an architecture and how it can be done on my new blog here: https://mszcool-blog-prod.azurewebsites.net/index.php/2013/09/cloud-windows-azure-combining-paas-iaas-to-get-best-of-both-worlds-in-your-architecture/

This article is essentially a short summary of a presentation I gave at the Basta 2013 conference in Mainz near Frankfurt which is one of Germany's largest .NET developer conference at this time...