
Big>Days 2007 Evaluations of my Sessions...

Last week in our team JourFixe we had a short presentation from Barbara, event owner of the Big>Days 2007 road show, on statistics and event evaluations. I am really very happy that - in terms of session and presentaiton quality - the four top-sessions are from the developer sessions Max put together and organized for our tracks - congratulations:)

The first three sessions in the ranking are mine... which makes me really happy as well as putting them together was very stressful:) here are the evaluations of my sessions (1 = best, 9 = worst):

Office Developer Demo (Restaurant Community): 1,44
Office SharePoint Server (Excel & InfoPath Forms Services): 1,47
Web Designer meets Web Developer: 1,70

The biggest surprise for me was the InfoPath and Excel session as I did not have many code in that session. But maybe the things I addressed there are solving many common problems out there:)

It was definitely a great road show and I really enjoyed it... once again, but this time with a new and great track owner. Congrats for cool developer tracks, Max:)

Important: if you have any feedback to the sessions and to our content in general, please contact Max or me through our blogs! This is much more important than the numbers above:))