
Microsoft Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore Tool

Esta herramienta (denominada Playbook) te ayudará a realizar Backup y Restore de Microsoft Project Server 2010.

Encontrarás información en el enlace:


The Microsoft Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool is part of the Microsoft Project Server 2010 Resource Kit (PRK). It enables Project Server 2010 administrators to back up server settings from a selected Project Server 2010 instance to an XML or binary .playbook file. The tool can then restore the server settings to another Project Server 2010 instance. The data from the exported XML (or binary) file is what is imported to the target Project Server 2010 instance. This tool can be especially useful when you move server settings from a test to a production environment, but could also be used to generate a simple “playbook” of custom fields and views (for example, for different industPries).

El SDK de Project 2010, podrás descargarlo en el enlace:


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