
Becoming a Web Partner with Microsoft?

Subscribe to our Partner video podcastI was meeting a customer this week and he was telling me about how impressed he was with our Partner Dinner in December 2007. He asked why I didn't blog about how to become a Microsoft Partner specifically in the web space?

I rejected that as I stated "eh? I did..didn't I?" well it's true I haven't blogged about it and I have no excuse other than "I assumed I had already".

imageNot to worry, it's only 6 months+ old news, but everyone meet Christian Longstaff. He's the guy behind the Web Partner program, which is basically an initiative we have here at Microsoft that ensures once you adopt our technology, you don't receive buyers remorse.

There is a follow through, and that we underpin the notion that this is a long-term relationship, not a one-night stand (ie date you, then when you purchase we leave you).

Christian's been doing an awesome job of it and a lot of the existing partners I touch base with have indicated how impressed they have been with him. With that, I publicly apologise to CHLONG and at the same time congratulate him on his efforts to date.

If you want more information around it or see what's cooking in that space, check out his blog:



  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2008
    Thanks mate, appreciate the plug.  Feedback is equally impressive about you :)