
Intelligent Light Talks about Parallel Computing and Windows HPC

"We write software that lets engineers do their thing."  That quote from the founder of software provider Intelligent Light pretty much sums up their business philosophy.  This innovative ISV in New Jersey provides an application called FieldView that takes massive data from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) applications  and visualizes that data for engineers who design F16 fighters and Formula One cars.  Because of the long compute times required, FieldView is often run in parallel on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters to return quicker results. 

Intelligent Light, with its Fortran and Python writing programmers, represents a typical ISV in the Microsoft HPC partner community with their flagship application having long been available on UNIX and Linux HPC clusters.   The FieldView program is a post-processor for well-known CFD applications such as FLUENT and STAR-CD/STAR-CCM+ from CD-adapco and is used by Boeing, Lockheed-Martin and Toyota.  But even with their existing customers running Linux clusters, Intelligent Light saw the business potential in Windows clusters and decided to port FieldView to Windows HPC Server 2008. Most of their desktop FieldView installations are on Windows client and those engineers running on XP and Vista were starting to ask for an easier way to deploy and manage parallel FieldView without leaving their familiar Windows environment.Intelligent Light Logo

Intelligent Light recently was at Microsoft and recorded this video, Intelligent Light founder Steve Legensky demonstrates the complex mathematics used by CFD engineers and talks about how HPC has evolved in his industry over the past 20 years.  If your company has an application that could be enhanced by taking advantage of parallel computing power with the latest multi-core processors, check out the Microsoft HPC site and download the 180-day free trial of Windows HPC Server 2008.

Happy Parallel Computing,

Todd Wedge

Senior Business Development Manager, HPC

Global ISV Team

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