
Developer 不可錯過的精彩課程: 2015 Americas Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference(5/14-15)

2015 Americas Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference


      誠摯邀請大家參加 2015 Americas Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference (MVP V-Conf) 線上會議,是由美國地區微軟最有價值專家技術社群舉辦為期 2 天的技術會議,榮幸邀請到 Steven “Guggs” Guggenheimer, CVP of DX 帶來精彩的 keynote 演說,同時將有145 位美國 MVP 帶來 240 場技術課程,包括 IT Pro、Developers、Consumer 等精彩課程,主要課程語言為英文,開放給所有聽眾報名。

歡迎您造訪活動網站並註冊:MVP Virtual Conference

活動日期:2015年5月14-15日 (美國時間早上8點開始) 約台灣時間晚上11點開始
課程分作 5 個 tracks,主要是以英文進行,包括 IT Pro、Developers、Consumer 課程,
點此觀看 詳細課表

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第一天 - 2015/5/14 (美國時間早上 8 點開始) 約台灣時間晚上 11 點開始

Time IT Pro Track Developer Track Consumer Track LATAM (Spanish) Track Brazil (Portuguese) Track
8AM (PT) Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer
9AM (PT) BYOD with Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) Microsoft Band: Project Online Task Updates from your Wrist. How to present with your audience's needs in mind, all within PowerPoint! Implementing End-to-End High-Availability: Hyper-V, Network, Storage, and Cloud Architecture Interfaces com Xamarin - O que eu preciso saber?
10AM (PT) Microsoft Surface in the Enterprise Fireside: Cooking with Open Source Create Custom Icons in PowerPoint Herramientas SQL-Server Best Practices Analyzer y Microsoft MAP para apoyo en la administración de Bases de Datos Visual Studio 2015 - Novidades e Produtividade!
11AM (PT) A pain-free migration to Office 365 Detecting Facial Expressions with Azure Machine Learning and Kinect for Windows It’s Not A Windows Phone, It’s MY Windows Phone Windows 10: productivo en cualquier tamaño Introdução ao C#6
12PM (PT) Power BI as a Self-Service BI Platform: Architecture, Use Cases, Strengths, and Shortcomings Supercharge your Development with Azure Websites Xbox music, the cloud and your Beiber collection Extendiendo tu Infraestructura Local con Cómputo + Redes de Microsoft Azure: una Implementación en el Mundo Real Primeiros Passos no ASP.NET 5
1PM (PT) Azure Test Labs: From Zero to Hero DevOps: What Is This Puppet You Speak Of? Using Office Mix from Boardroom to Classroom Introducción a Azure Machine Learning Executando ASP.NET MVC 6 no Mac OS X e no Linux
2PM (PT) Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Mongo Baseball.NET Windows 10 topic: Making School Life easier with Windows 10 and Cortana Desarrollando para Office 365 Introdução ao HDInsight Hadoop Tools for Visual Studio
3PM (PT) Securing Your Azure Data Center Node.js for .NET Developers Migrating from an iOS mobile device to a Windows mobile device and how to keep your Outlook data, emails, and contacts intact 10 Características que todo desarrollador debería utilizar con su sistema de control de versiones. Parte 1 Usando os dados de Mail, Calendário e Contatos do Office 365 em suas aplicações C#
4PM (PT) Deploying Highly Available SQL Server in Microsoft Azure IaaS Introduction to AngularJS in an Office 365 context Ransomware - Key tools for prevention and recovery Implementación de Recuperación de Desastre/ Respaldo de Datos con Azure Project Online - gerenciando projetos e portfólio
5PM (PT) Dynamics CRM MVP Ask the Experts Native iOS Apps using Swift for Office365 Understanding Windows updating SQL Server 2014 + Azure = Bases de datos hibridas ALM para Apps for SharePoint

第二天 - 2015/5/15 (美國時間早上 8 點開始) 約台灣時間晚上 11 點開始

Time IT Pro Track Developer Track Consumer Track LATAM (Spanish) Track Brazil (Portuguese) Track
8AM (PT) Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Automation with PowerShell Surviving in an Async-First Development World I'm an uber chic hipster that runs my business on only Apple products; Why would I want Office365? Implementando Exchange 2013 con las mejores prácticas em cada rol, evitando del principio problemas futuros Otimizando o gerenciamento de máquinas virtuais no Microsoft Azure
9AM (PT) PowerShell Desired State Configuration - Custom Resource Development Roslyn for Normal Developers: It's Not Just for Compiler Geeks! Using Access and SharePoint for Travel Expenses and Pulling up Maps Generando Comunidades Corporativas con SharePoint Automating Azure Management using PowerShell
10AM (PT) Just Enough Explanation of JEA, Windows' New "Just Enough Administration" (JEA) Tool 10 New Things for Developers on Windows 10 Pivot Table Data Crunching Power BI 2.0 - la revolucion en inteligencia de negocios en la nube Designing and Building a Hybrid Cloud, co-starring Microsoft Azure and Your Datacenter
11AM (PT) Automating Service Delivery with System Center 2012 R2 Windows 10 and Spartan Use your Windows Phone to tap into the Contacts, Calendar (and shared Calendars) and OneDrive Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) - Cómo manejar dispositivos móviles en la empresa con System Center R2 Configuration Manager 2012 + Intune Migrating Active Directory to Windows Server 2012 R2
12PM (PT) Best Practices for Virtualizing and Managing SharePoint 2013 with System Center Windows Server 2012 A Lap around ASP.NET vNext! Delve and the Office Graph - A crash course Adoptando Marcos Ágiles con Visual Studio Online Segurança em ambientes virtualizados com Hyper-V e Vmware
1PM (PT) Troubleshooting Hyper-V Performance Issues - Black Belt Notes from the field A Brief History of OWIN Windows 10: New Features and New Directions Administración y configuración de Microsoft Deployment Toolkit - MDT 2013 - para el despliegue de Windows 10 Prepare seu datacenter para a Nuvem
2PM (PT) Migrating from VMware to Hyper-V for VMware Professionals How To Create A Global Leaderboard For Unity 3D Using Azure Mobile Services WP8.1 topic: “Hey Cortana” you make my life easier Cardinality Estimator en SQL Server 2014. ¿Qué es? Y cómo nos beneficia Deployment ágil com Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013
3PM (PT) Healthy SQL III One XAML UI to Rule them All with Universal Apps and Xamarin.Forms! These Are a Few of My Favorite Things – The OneNote Edition Accesando Office 365 desde un App Android / Windows Phone Controlando cargas de trabalho com Resource Governor no SQL Server 2014
4PM (PT) Modern IT: DevOps to ITIL Cross-Platform Localization for Mobile Apps Using .NET Windows 10: Productivity Tips 10 Características que todo desarrollador debería utilizar con su sistema de control de versiones. Parte 2 Why my index still fragmented after REBUILD on SQL Server
5PM (PT) What is new in Skype for Business Resolving Conflicts in Collaborative Occasionally Connected Mobile Apps Virtual Tour of Microsoft's Security Response Center Identidad y Acceso en la nube Construindo ambientes com o Quórum dinâmico