
Product Search in MSDN Subscriber Downloads (Finally!)

I have on my wall an original poster (dated 1997) announcing the new MSDN Subscriber Downloads site. Back then, the MSDN Subscription had a single level, a few hundred products, and a fairly simple Table of Contents (it also had search functionality, ironically). Now the MSDN Subscriber Downloads site has thousands of products organized across 6 major levels (and a number or regional subtleties), and trying to find items in the Table of Contents can be cumbersome. 

Our new release adds keyword search based on title and description back into the MSDN Subscriber Downloads site. Search results can be sorted ascending or descending based on name, product area, product language, or last updated date. If you configure download preferences (which I'll talk about in more detail tomorrow), you can have search results only return English and German products, for instance, then sort by date to see which is most recent.

Anyway, I think it's pretty cool, let me know what you think,

Andy Boyd
Program Manager
MSDN Subscriber Downloads