
Student App - Sleepr Published in Windows 8 Store

An Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) student, Ray, worked on this app as time permitted for the past few weeks.  What started as an idea for a https://Monkeybars.cc hackathon (way to go Taylor and Manny) continued to take shape and become an app.  Microsoft was a sponsor and I and others (David Giard, Sonal Mane) from Microsoft were onsite mentors for student teams.  The hackathon where Ray worked on his app was at IIT Idea Shop (an awesome collaborative and creative space -https://ipro.iit.edu/ideashop).

Ray’s company (a student company –cool!) is called Third Dimension Dev.  Ray is a Microsoft BizSpark startup.  Ray is a Business (IIT Stuart School of Business) and Information Technology Management student at IIT.

Ray developed his application using Eric Ries idea of Lean Startup methodology (see the book).  Ray had taken a class taught by incomparable Nik Rokop (@rokopn) on Lean Startup.  In Lean Startup speak this is Ray’s Minimum Viable Product (MVP).  It’s a rich and functional app, but Ray limited his scope and features to get his product to market quickly and gather users feedback to shape future releases. 

How can you help?  Share your feedback.  Are you on Windows 8 or 8.1?  If not please get them.  Download Sleepr for Windows 8, try it and use it (I do).  Then rate it and most importantly comment on what you like and what other features you would like to see added in future releases. 

What is Sleepr you ask?  Let me share the Windows Store app description.

“Sleepr is founded on the idea of sleep cycles. There are four stages of sleep cycles and the best time to wake up is at the end of a cycle. If you wake up in the middle of the cycle, you will likely feel tired. In general, the sleep cycle lasts 90 minutes and Sleepr makes 90 minute subtractions/additions so you can quickly determine when you should go to sleep or when you should wake up to get as reasonably close as possible to waking up at the end of a cycle.”

Download Sleepr for Windows 8 and rate it and most importantly comment on what you like and what other features you would like to see added. 

Congratulations Ray on your first C#/XAML Windows Store app!