What your hard drive can tell ID thieves
Many people believe that when they dispose of their old computer, the files they've erased from the hard drive are gone forever. Wrong. ConsumerReports.org bought a handful of drives on eBay and tried to recover old files by running simple and inexpensive software that anyone can obtain and use.
January 01, 2003
Most wiping tools create random noise patterns to overwrite (multiple times) the old data content. Creating noise patterns is still faster then encripion and because of the multi-pass, tha chance that old, overwritten content could be revealed is minimal. But for allready encrypted disks, as with bitlocker, or encrypted files, wiping is normally not nescessary, as long as the key is not avaiable to an attacker. UrsAnonymous
August 13, 2007
Hello, "No recent version of either Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X offers a fast and convenient way to securely erase individual files or an entire hard drive. To securely erase your hard drive in Windows, Microsoft recommends using third-party software." cipher /w:c: isn't secure enough ?Anonymous
August 13, 2008
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