
Vuzion's Top 10 Tips to Get the Most from Microsoft Inspire

"Vuzion is delighted to again be UK headline sponsor at Microsoft's flagship partner event," comments Michael Frisby, Vuzion MD. "This will be my eighth event and as my colleagues have also been a number of times, we thought we'd pool our advice to suggest the best ways to get the most from Microsoft Inspire."

1 Plan your sessions
With over 680 sessions overall, and up to ten to choose from at any one time - from keynotes, to workshops, discussion groups, and panels - you can't attend everything (although, some may repeat). Plan your programme and build your own personalised agenda.
2 Don't worry if you're a first-time attendee (FTA)
Take advantage of the buddy system. FTAs wear a purple lanyard (mentors' are green) - so don't hesitate to ask for help or guidance - mentors are there to support you. FTA events include an orientation session and FTA meet up on Sunday 9th July, and a Post-Microsoft Inspire Roadmap workshop Thursday 13th July - check out the Session Catalog for details. FTAs are also invited to sit together in section 121 for Vision Keynote (Monday-Wednesday).
3 Find the person
With 15,000 people expected, use the person finder at MyInspire to discover a bio, to connect, schedule a meeting, invite someone to an event.
4 Get to the keynotes early
The Vision Keynotes are a central part of Inspire - this is where you'll find out about the major innovations that Microsoft has coming up. But, intended as they are for everyone to attend (that's up to 15,000 people...) it's a good idea to get a seat early.
5 Make the most of the evenings
This is your opportunity to network, discover and meet - but pace yourself (especially if you experience jet - lag), it's a busy week!
6 Keep in touch with what's happening via #MSInspire
Don't forget to share your views on Twitter - and catch up with multiple sessions at #MSInspire.
7 Learn something new
Take the opportunity to learn something new - go to the learning session, Microsoft stands, and meet the experts.Use the Session Catalog to filter your searches - this is a great time to learn more about CSP (the Cloud Solution Provider) programme, in particular.
8 Download all the material you can
After the event, make sure you download all you can, as most of the session material will be made available.
9 Enjoy!
This is a great event! We've put together a few simple suggestions to help: stay hydrated - these are long, busy days; layer up - it will be hot out, but air-conditioned inside; meeting venues can be far apart - schedule in walking time (and choose footwear carefully ...); take business cards, battery packs and adaptors - power supplies are highly sought after; make time for happy hours; and schedule in some downtime to see Washington DC - it's an amazing city!
10 Finally, we'd love to meet up with you at Microsoft Inspire
Michael Frisby will be speaking at various breakout sessions, and the Vuzion team will be at the UK Regional Lounge in the Convention Center. We're looking forward to connecting with existing and new partners! Come and chat - you can pre-book appointments, or just turn up.