
Writing smart-device automated tests on standalone Device emulator install with RAPI

In my previous blog, we discussed on how you can use DEM APIs (with Device Emulator V3 Beta) in association with RAPI to achieve your test automation. But in case you are running Device emulator standalone in absence of Visual Studio and working with your custom images only, the corecon managed APIs won't be available.

The very first thing you need to do in that case is to enable your custom images and emulator configurations being visible in Device Emulator Managed view. You can achieve this via using Corecon-lite feature. Using this by writing simple .decfg files and placing them appropriately, these will be visible in DEM view. You can now use DEM APIs to enumerate through these emulator configuration and perform various operations like Cradle, Connect, Reset, Shutdown, Clear Save state, Set/Get Configuration etc.

Since now your custom emulators are accessible using DEM APIs, you can cradle them which will lead activesync to believe a device is connected to it. Once you have cradled you can use rich APIs as provided with RAPI which will allow you to manipulate directories/files, create process etc. The benefit of this approach is that this framework will actually work seamlessly across devices and emulators with slight variations.



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