
IT Heroes Episode VII

Forest to Forest Trusts and Windows 2003 SP1 on Exchange

Today we have the pleasure of speaking with Damon Christopher Jackson, network admin for a major motion picture studio in LA. Damon discusses his real life implementations of Windows 2003 Active Directory Forest-to-Forest Trusts, his configurations of DNS and his experiences with Windows Server 2003 SP1 on Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2003 SP2.


This interview is the seventh in a new podcast series, IT Heroes: Stories from the Trenches; these are the real stories of men and women in IT making a difference everyday. We talk with authors, innovators and implementers about emerging technologies, troubleshooting and remediation of common infrastructure issues and charitable contributions in the community.  We seek to educate and provide a forum for open discussion of the many uses for and specific ways in which people are everyday exploiting technology to create opportunities for themselves and others.



Stream the Damon Christopher Jackson interview now!

My apologies for not having this posted yesterday. I was at the funeral of my friend James Edward Jackson (no relation to this week's guest). Jim was a tremendous man who, over the course of the 15 years I knew him, exemplified a dedication to family, community and integrity in business which became the template for my own life. You will be sorely missed, Jim. In Memoriam 1944-2005.