
Exchange Server Demos

And this One Goes Out to The NY Exchange Users Group!

The Exchange Best Practice Analyzer

Ever wonder just how solid your Exchange installation was? Are you getting the best performance out of your Exchange Servers, what optimal configurations are there? Is there a tool that would help me determine those answers and even integrate with my MOM management packs for analyzing and optimizing my Exchange configurations? Well the answers to these and many other questions can be found in this series of demos on the Exchange Best Practice Analyzer and the Exchange Management PAcks for MOM.

ITPROEXC-04 : Exchange Best Practice Analyzer (EXBPA)  

 Demo  1-1 Reviewing the Exchange Organization https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo1-1.asx
 Demo  1-2 Installing ExBPA                                https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo1-2.asx

 Demo  2-1 Starting ExBPA                                 https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo2-1.asx
 Demo  2-2 Connecting to Active Directory          https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo2-2.asx

 Demo  3-1 Running a Scan                                 https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo3-1.asx

 Demo  4-1 Viewing the Output                           https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo4-1.asx

 Demo  5-1 Importing the Management Pack       https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo5-1.asx
 Demo  5-2 Deploying ExBPA to MOM Clients https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo5-2.asx
 Demo  5-3 Scheduling ExBPA Scans                https://www.microsoft.com/winme/0509/25037/EXC-04_Demo5-3.asx

Good stuff, hunh?