
Windows 7 beta Download - Where, What, When,How...

Amongst several cool announcements at CES this year, One stood out - Windows 7. I'm stoked about this beta release for many reasons. For one, it's one of the best beta releases Microsoft has ever done. And, I mean every ounce of every word that I just said.

If you attended my event - Windows FireStarter and sent me a mail requesting for a Windows 7 beta DVD, then it's on its way to you by now. If you didn't attend or didn't send me a mail, then I suggest you download a copy NOW! Note that the downloads are limited.

Phew! I'm sure I'll have a busy weekend geeking out on the awesomeness of Windows 7.

-Mithun Dhar


I know the download sites have been crammed - If you attended the Windows FireStarter event on December 12th. Send me a mail with your:

Name & Shipping Address...

We'll ship you a copy of Windows 7 beta. Of course, we'll be cross checking our registration details for validity. You can mail the details to - mithund a t m i c r o s o f t d o t c o m 

Technorati Tags: Windows 7,Windows 7 MSDN,Windows 7 technet,Windows 7 download,Windows 7 bits,Windows 7 logo program,Windows 7 developers,W7,Win7,Win7 download
