
Free IIS 7 Hosting...

If you want to take IIS7 for a spin, this is a really, really good (well, free!!) offer: https://www.iis.net/default.aspx?tabid=7&subtabid=791

From the info on the site:

“Want to Go Live but don’t want to set up a server? These great Hosting partners have the answer and the best part is, it’s FREE! IIS7 Beta Hosting is an excellent way for developers & designers to take the sites they’ve played with on IIS7 in Windows Vista and test them early on IIS7 in Windows Server Codename "Longhorn" Beta 3 today. Furthermore, for PHP developers, this is a great opportunity to check out the new FastCGI component that enables scalable PHP hosting on Windows.”


-Mithun Dhar

Technorati tags: IIS 7, Hosting
