Are you type ENTP?
If you are familiar with C G Jung's personality types you already know what this is about! Just now, I was reading this awesome page on Wikipedia about ENTP! Read more HERE
Basically, ENTP (Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving) is one of the sixteen personality types[1] from personality type systems based on C.G. Jung, of which the best-known are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI),[2] Keirsey Temperament Sorter and Socionics.
The Characteristics are:
At their best, people with ENTP preferences[3] constantly scan the environment for opportunities and possibilities. They see patterns and connections not obvious to others and at times seem to be able to see into the future. They are adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analysing them strategically. ENTPs are good at understanding how systems work and are enterprising and resourceful in maneuvering within them to achieve their ends.
ENTPs are enthusiastic innovators. Their world is full of possibilities, interesting concepts and exciting challenges. They are stimulated by difficulties, quickly devising creative responses and plunging into activity, trusting their ability to improvise. They use their Intuition primarily externally and enjoy exercising ingenuity in the world. ENTPs are likely to be:
- Creative, imaginative and clever
- Theoretical, conceptual and curious
ENTPs use their Thinking function[4] primarily internally to analyse situations and their own ideas and to plan. They admire competence, intelligence, precision and efficiency. ENTPs are usually:
- Analytical, logical, rational and objective
- Assertive and questioning
ENTPs are enterprising, resourceful, active and energetic. They respond to challenging problems by creating complex and global solutions. They are usually adept at "reading" other people, seeing how to motivate them and assuming leadership in times of chaos. They can do almost anything that captures their interest.
Summary: quick, ingenious, good at many things. Stimulating company, alert and outspoken. May argue for fun on either side of a question. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems, but may neglect routine assignments. Apt to turn to one new interest after another. Skillful in finding logical reasons for what they want.
Remember the Apple ad that I posted? Anyone fit the bill?
Hate nothing more than conformity! Dare to be different!
-Mithun Dhar
Technorati tags: ENTP, Personalities, Type A, Jung, Apple Ad, genius
June 03, 2007
INTJ. The personality type of the "mastermind". :)Anonymous
June 04, 2007
private class SoCalDevGalImp : ILadyGeek { private void Check() { string mbtiType = "INTJ"; if (!mbtiType = "INTJ") { return imposter; } else { return itsReallyHer; } } }Anonymous
June 06, 2007
Hahahaha!! Lynn, you are such a geek!! :) -Mithun Dhar