
Fast Five (Software) Features for Nonprofits 5/18: Blogging

We continue our series of weekly tips and tricks, Fast Five Features, to help educate nonprofits about the features available in the software we provide as a donation to them.

We decided to focus today’s feature on blogging! Hmmm… isn’t that appropriate?

We’re big fans of Windows Live Essentials and in particular, the Live Writer program. It’s free to download and it’s very easy to use.

Here's how to set up your blog, create blog posts, and add photos, videos, and maps to tell your story to the community. Live Writer works with many popular blog service providers such as WordPress, Blogger, and TypePad.

1) Download Windows Live Essentials

You will also get some other fantastic tools as well, so we suggest the entire package.

2) It uses the popular Office ribbon for quick access to all the most commonly used functions.


3) Did someone say Plug-Ins??

Oh yes, you can really customize your Live Writer application with some excellent custom features through plug-ins. For example, the very first item in the list allows you to turn your photos into what would look like a Polaroid picture. Fun!

4) One word: EMOTICONS!

Just look at all of these sweet, built-in emoticons.


5) But don’t take our word for it that there’s a lot you can do with this tool. Just a simple Bing search brings back lots of great tips & tricks by people who use this application every single day.