
Surface Pro 4 - Be Your Future

'The whole Internet is your online gallery and it means that you can get your artwork seen by tens, hundreds, thousands, millions of people almost instantly and that for an artist is an incredibly exciting thing.'



Roz Hall is a digital artist showcasing the power and versatility of the Surface Pro 4 in the latest Surface video.  One of the most important things to Roz is mobility which is why the Surface Pro 4 is the device for him. From the office to the sofa, it fits all aspects of Roz's life and provides him the power to run all the full desktop applications he needs.

Read Roz's story and see the full video below:


“Being a digital art means that I can be painting and creating my own terms”

I don’t need space at home or studio space where I’ve got my easel set up and there is a canvas waiting for me. No matter where I am, whether its on the sofa in the lounge, in the staff room at work on my lunch break or sitting on a train, the Surface Pro 4 allows me to pull out my device and paint, even if its for two or three minutes, this device gives me the opportunity to paint wherever I am and whenever inspiration strikes.

3.-Surface-RozI'm currently using Adobe Photoshop to do my portraits. This application allows you to have the minutest control over your artwork. The fact you can run a full desktop application on a portable device is a fantastic opportunity for an artist.

Working digitally means that you can get access to an audience much easily and it means that the audience can be spread much wider, possibly internationally. It can teach you a lot about your own artwork, about your own style, and it can teach you a lot about how audiences react to certain types of art. Creating artwork digitally sometimes makes you feel distanced from your artwork, whereas with the Surface Pro 4 pen has the pressure sensitivity that really feels like you’re doing a brush stroke. You really feel connected to the painting just like you were painting in real life.
