
Enabling effective change in virtual teams

We recently explored the subject of flexible working during Anywhere Working Week and customer responses underlined the growing pressure on organisations to adapt to a more flexible strategy. Not limited to the CIO’s remit, but with IT strategy as an enabler of that transformation.

How do organisations achieve this transformation, where is the best place to start, and what does this mean for the future of the traditional company headquarters?

To help explore the key considerations, and identify a few recommendations, we have developed a whitepaper called ‘Enabling Effective Change in Virtual Teams’. The purpose of this paper is to explore a number of organisational change factors that have been shown to be useful in enabling virtual teams to effectively change. The factors include culture, work climate/morale, leadership, communication, vision/strategy/mission, organisational design/structure, and the collective impact these factors have on a final factor - organisational agility. When combined, these factors provide a backdrop for effectively managing and successfully evolving today’s geographically distributed and likely culturally diverse virtual workplace.

You can download this whitepaper here (Word, 569KB). Featured in this whitepaper are the following sections:

  • Culture
  • Work climate and morale
  • Leadership implications
  • Preferred virtual team leadership styles
  • Managing communication
  • Vision, strategy and mission
  • Organisational design and structure
  • Setting the stage for organisational agility.