
Microsoft Premier Workshop: Securing Windows Client

der dreitägige Workshop: Securing Windows Client vermittelt den Teilnehmern die Fertigkeiten, die notwendig sind, um Windows Clients vor unerwünschten Zugriffen oder Angriffen zu schützen. Er geht auf allgemeine Sicherheits-Bedrohungen und Gegenmaßnahmen zum Schutz der Client Infrastruktur ein. Alle aktuellen Windows Client-Betriebssystem Versionen, insbesondere Windows 10, werden in dem Workshop berücksichtigt.

Level 200
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)

Module 1: Vulnerabilities, threats and PtH attack overview.
This module provides an overview of general vulnerabilities, threats and layered security protection. It covers PtH attack mitigation techniques.

Module 2: Security Features at OS Level.
This module details tools that have been available since Windows 7 but are still not very well known (Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), User Account Control (UAC), Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC) , AppLocker) as well as some new features introduced in Windows 10.

Module 3: Securing the Windows Boot Process.
This module presents file and data layer security, and protections against offline attacks on client assets. The technologies reviewed in this module include BitLocker and Secure Boot.

Module 4: Virtualization-based Security.
This module covers Credential Guard and Device Guard.

Module 5: Protecting Client Network Communication:
This module focuses on securing the network layer by providing a deep insight of built-in Windows Firewall and IPsec capabilities.

Module 6: User Authentication.
During this module we will discuss alternatives to password-based authentication (virtual smart cards, Windows Hello for Business).

Module 7: Protecting Client with Cloud-based Services.
A lot of Cloud-based and security-related services are available today. During this module, we will discover Enterprise Data Protection (EDP) as well as Windows Defender.

Dieses Workshop richtet sich an IT Admins,  Windows Infrastructure Engineers, Desktop Administratoren, IT Security Mitarbeiter und Administratoren, die für das Sicherheits-Design, -Implementation und Deployment in einer Windows Client Umgebung zuständig sind.

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