
Microsoft Premier Workshop: Office 365 Security and Compliance


der dreitägige Workshop Office 365 Security and Compliance vermittelt den Teilnehmern das Wissen und Verständnis, wie die Tools des Security und Compliance Centers entsprechend der Sicherheit und Compliance der Mandanten in ihrer Organisation genutzt werden können.


Module 1: Permissions in the Security and Compliance Center:
This module will demonstrate to students which permissions are needed to perform the various activities in the Security and Compliance Center.

Module 2: Retention/Deletion Polices:
This module will focus on how Retention and Deletion Polices can allow administrators to effectively manage their data in Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, One Drive for Business and Skype Online.

Module 3: Label Policies:
In this module students will learn how Labels and Label Policies can classify data across your organization for governance, and enforce retention rules based on that classification.

Module 4: Supervision Policies:
This module will instruct students on how to enable supervision policies to allow reviewers to monitor email and third party communications, and classify content for further review or actions.

Module 5: In-Place Archiving:
This module provides an overview of the In-Place Archiving capabilities of Exchange Online.

Module 6: Data Loss Prevention:
This module focuses on the configuration and implementation of Data Loss Protection in Exchange Online, SharePoint, and One Drive for Business

Module 7: Information Rights Management and Office 365 Mail Encryption:
In this module you will discover how to configure and implement Information Right Management and Office 365 Mail Encryption

Module 8: Advanced Threat Protection:
In this module students will explore how Advanced Threat Protection can increase their email delivery security.

Module 9: Content Search and eDiscovery Case Management:
In this module students will explore the Content Search feature and how to manage eDiscovery Cases in the Security and Compliance Center.

Module 10: Audit Logs and Alerting:
This module will introduce the students to how the can use Audit Logs to both track user/administrator activities and to set up Alerting to monitor these activities.

Module 11: Advanced Security Management:
This module will introduce the security and alerting features that are included in the Advanced Security Management feature

Module 12: Multi-factor Authentication:
This module covers the out of the box Multi-factor features in Office 365.

Der Workshop ist ein Aufbaukurs für Office 365 zum Thema Security und Compliance. Es ist für Administratoren gedacht, die bereits auf Office 365 migriert haben oder bald werden. Die grundlegenden Konzepte und das Produkt-Know-how werden in diesem Kurs behandelt werden, aber es wird erwartet, dass die Teilnehmer bereits Grundkenntnisse in Office 365 besitzen.

Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)

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