
FAST ESP download query logs throws error "Premature end of file"

Issue :

You might have observed that many times executing the command "logtransformer\bin\launch.bat downloader" in FAST ESP 5.3 to download the query logs will simply get stuck or throws an error "Premature end of file" without downloading any query logs.


Detailed error stack:  

E:\esp\components\logtransformer\bin>launch.bat downloader

[ jacorb.home unset! Will use '.' ]

[ File .\jacorb.properties for configuration jacorb not found ]

[ configuration jacorb loaded from classpath]

In CSInfoInt ctor

Log4J configured from: file:/E:/esp/etc/log4j.properties

Log file downloader 5.1.7 build

Started download.

[Fatal Error] :1:1: Premature end of file.

Finished downloading files.


        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.


        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces


        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)

        at org.apache.commons.launcher.ChildMain.run(ChildMain.java:228)

Caused by: com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.StreamException: Premature end of file.

        at com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.xml.DomDriver.createReader(Unknown Source


        at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.fromXML(Unknown Source)

        at com.fastsearch.esp.logtransformer.datastore.meta.dao.DaoSupport.loadO


        at com.fastsearch.esp.logtransformer.datastore.meta.dao.MetaDataDAOImpl.


        at com.fastsearch.esp.logtransformer.datastore.FdsLogStoreManagerImpl.ge


        at com.fastsearch.esp.logtransformer.harvest.download.DownLoader.fetchDa


        at com.fastsearch.esp.logtransformer.harvest.download.DownLoader.updateL


        at com.fastsearch.esp.logtransformer.harvest.download.DownLoader.runBatc


        at com.fastsearch.esp.logtransformer.harvest.download.DownLoader.main(Do


        ... 5 more




This issue occurs if there are any corruption of the file 


Resolution :

 1. Stop the logtransformer

                a. nctrl stop logtransformer

                b. Please verify that the logtransformer process is no longer running in Task Manager.  If necessary please kill the process. 

2. Truncate the query statistics table:

                a. %FASTSEARCH%\rdbms\bin\psql -p16070 -dvespa -Ufast (password is fast)

                b. truncate queryStatistics; truncate periodProperty;

                c. \q 

3. Take a backup and then delete the below files 

                a)  Check that all META files in

                    $FASTSEARCH/components/logtransformer/data/download have a size greater than zero, and remove any that has 0 KB.

        b)  Delete $FASTSEARCH/components/logtransformer/data/datastore/datasources.xml

        c)  Delete $FASTSEARCH/components/logtransformer/data/datastore/logmerger-statistics.xml

        d)  Delete $FASTSEARCH/components/logtransformer/data/datastore/querylog/crateindex.xml 

4. Start the logtransformer

                a. nctrl start logtransformer


The downloader should start downloading the querylogs within 15 minutes. The query report generator should start running at 5 past the hour. If for some reason this doesn’t happen you can run the commands manually: 

cd %FASTSEARCH%\components\logtransformer\bin

launch.bat downloader

launch.bat logmerger 


Once those commands are finished, run the following: 

cd %FASTSEARCH%\esp4j\bin

launch.cmd queryreportgenerator -s "2014-09-............" -e "2014-10............." -D -L


Set the start date to the date you want the statistics to first be generated for and the end date to the current time.


Published by - Prasad Joshi