
Creating charts and objects

In this sample chapter from MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft Excel, learn about exam objectives related to presenting data in charts and enhancing worksheets through images, business diagrams, and text boxes.

The skills tested in this section of the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Microsoft Excel 2016 relate to creating charts and objects. Specifically, the following objectives are associated with this set of skills:

  • 5.1 Create charts

  • 5.2 Format charts

  • 5.3 Insert and format objects

You can store a large amount of data in an Excel workbook. When you want to present that data to other people, you might choose to include additional information to help viewers interpret the information, or to present the data in the form of a chart. Using Excel 2016, you can create many types of charts from data stored on one or more worksheets. To simplify the process of choosing a chart type, the Quick Analysis tool recommends charts that are most appropriate for the data you’re working with. To aid viewers in interpreting the chart data, you can configure a chart to include identifying elements such as a title, legend, and data markers.

You can enhance the information you present in a workbook by including images such as company logos directly on worksheets, displaying text and graphics in SmartArt business diagrams, and displaying text independent of the worksheet or chart sheet structure within text boxes.

This chapter guides you in studying ways of presenting data in charts and enhancing worksheets by including images, business diagrams, and text boxes.