
More DST fall back information

Detailed Product list updated regularly by the product groups



Hot Topics for DST changes in 2007 (includes nice flow chart)



Another site with a detailed product list and guidance on process for DST



As far as the top issues go, I would say the biggest one is the fix for WSS 3.0 which another major University ran into during their rollout.

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

  • Download Update for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
  • KB 888253 How to configure time zone information in Windows SharePoint Services by modifying the Timezone.xml file
  • KB 941422 Description of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 hot fix package: August 24, 2007

There are also updates for all versions of Windows (including Vista) located at https://support.microsoft.com/kb/933360


Lastly, there is a live meeting being held for customers this Friday, below is the info if you want to include it in the customer email.


A Daylight Savings Time Update LiveMeeting event will be held on Friday, Sept 14th, 2007 @ 9am PST:. Please feel free to attend this meeting to learn more about the DST event for Q3/Q4 2007:

Click the meeting URL: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/lmevents/join?id=msft091407sa&role=attend&pw=AGT732

if you can’t click the above meeting URL, click the following link: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/lmevents

When you click on either URL, the Join Meeting page appears. In the following fields, verify or enter this information:

Name:            (Enter your first and last name)

Meeting ID:      msft091407sa

Meeting Key:     AGT732