
Microsoft K-12 Technology Forum 12/3 Cambridge

Please join the Microsoft Education Team on December 3, from 10am to 2pm (and optional 2pm session), at our Cambridge office, as we discuss a number of resources that will save you time and money and help make teaching and learning more effective.

Free collaboration and project/group learning tools from Live@edu, including email, calendaring, file storage, Office Web Apps and more. This powerful suite of tools is free to schools and offers access from virtually any browser. The Web Apps offer unmatched parity and integration with our well-known Microsoft Office programs.

Career and College Readiness resources from IT Academy. Better train your teachers to deliver 21st Century Learning, get students the skills they need for college and the jobs we want them to have and offer your parents tool to re-train themselves and enhance their employability for the cost of a short-stack of textbooks!

Free Tools for Teaching & Learning. See a few of our many free tools that help teacher better engage students by using technology and making learning active. We’ll take a sneak peek at Mouse Mischief (a free response system), Photosynth (multi-media) and the Worldwide Telescope (virtual tours of the solar system).

Collaborative purchasing. Let’s discuss the best ways for K-12 schools to buy software and look at examples of savings in typical schools of up to 40% or more from what schools are paying now. This model not only allows schools to buy more for less, but includes a significant number of other benefits like free e-learning, access to current and past versions, work at home right (let’s teachers use Office and other software for free at home)…

Optional 2pm Session: Student Success Management. 21st Education reform requires new and exciting ways to leverage technology and data to make the education process personalized, effective and accountable for student success. Microsoft brings the technology platform to help educators use data effectively to make students more successful. See a visualization of how Microsoft can help administrators, teachers, principals and counselors better understand their student’s performance and have maximum impact!

Register: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032468451&Culture=en-US
Directions: https://microsoftcambridge.com/
Questions: Jeff Williams – jewilli@microsoft.com 

December 3rd
10am – 2pm Lunch Included

One Memorial Drive, Suite 100
Cambridge, MA 02142
(857) 453-6000