
Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance

The Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions Academic Alliance) offers integrated business applications software for your classroom, technical support from product experts, and access to Internet-based training. It also provides an opportunity to join a community of educators who are using Microsoft Dynamics software to help their students achieve academic success.

The Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions Academic Alliance) offers integrated business applications software for your classroom, technical support from product experts, and access to Internet-based training. It also provides an opportunity to join a community of educators who are using Microsoft Dynamics software to help their students achieve academic success.


Who is eligible?

The Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance is for you if…
The Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance is open to educational institutions that want to use Microsoft Dynamics products in their curriculum or academic research in disciplines such as accounting information systems, managerial accounting, professional selling, marketing, and operations management. If you represent such an institution in the Americas, you’re eligible to apply.

The Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance is not for you if…
The no-cost software licenses issued through the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance are not for evaluation purposes or for personal, family, or business use. They are not available for Microsoft Dynamic–specific training on a for-profit basis, and they are not available for educational institutions that want to use them to manage their own operations.

Imagine engaging students in hands-on, practical learning experiences that powerfully affirm and complement your business course curriculum. Imagine connecting with a community of progressive, forward-thinking college and university educators passionate about technology and dedicated to the success of their students. Imagine receiving the tools and support necessary to dramatically enhance your business, management, accounting, and sales curricula while operating within budget constraints.
Make the dreams for your classroom reality by joining the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions Academic Alliance).
Benefits of Membership
As you prepare your students for careers in today's fast-paced business environment, include applied business insight using technology. Your students can engage in hands-on learning that will reinforce business theory. Active learning experiences such as site visits, internships, and case study development can help your students gain deeper business understanding. When you join the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance you'll receive:
• Donated software for your classroom/labs.
• Free technical support from Microsoft Dynamics product experts.
• Free online training.
Learn from a Community of Educators
As a member of the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance, you'll be part of a community of educators who are leaders in their field, passionate about applying technology, and dedicated to the success of their students.
Take advantage of opportunities to share your experiences at industry association meetings and conferences. These networking opportunities with other educators can lead to exciting classroom innovations that will inspire your students.
In addition, the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance sponsors a password-protected SharePoint site. Using this system, you can exchange and share information such as curricula, best practices, strategies, and perspectives with other members.
You and your students can also connect with Microsoft Dynamics partners and customers. For instance, contacts you make while attending our customer conference could lead to site visits, case study development, co-ops, internships, and guest lectures. It's a great chance to expand the learning experience of your students.

For more information on the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance, download the program overview brochure from the box on the right or send an e-mail message to dynaa@microsoft.com.
