
A One-Day Technology Symposium for Higher Education Business Leaders, 4/24/08 Las Vegas, NV

From creating better alumni relations to orchestrating more streamlined operations systems, the business of Higher Education presents unique challenges that are spawning a wealth of new technology solutions and ideas.

Come discuss these new developments in an exclusive, one-day seminar featuring Microsoft experts and partners, plus your own industry peers who are already putting these advancements to work.  We encourage you to share this invitation with your Chief Financial Officers as well to collaborate on topics surrounding budgeting in Higher Education.

Participating Microsoft product groups will include Live@edu, Office Live Workspace, Unified Communications, SharePoint, High Performance Computing, Microsoft Dynamics, and more.  The agenda will be finalized and distributed in early March 2008.

Please join us for the Welcome Reception April 23, 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Breakfast: 7:00 a.m.–8:00 a.m. Meeting: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
VIP Customer Reception: 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Palms Hotel Ghostbar at the Palms (evening reception venue)

An 80-room hotel block at the Palms in Las Vegas has been reserved for April 23 and 24.  These rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis at a rate of $139/night for a Deluxe Room.  Reserve your room today at the Palms hotel for April 23 and 24!  Make your reservation now as we have a limited number of hotel rooms available at our special rate.  To reserve your room, please call 866-725-6773 or 702-942-7064, and ask for "Group Reservations".  Tell them you're with Microsoft's Higher Education event on April 24 and give the Group Code: AM0423D.

If you want to stay the weekend, the rate will increase.  Please ask the hotel about weekend rates and availability. 

Pre-register Today!
Registrations will be accepted through April 10, 2008, so don't delay!

Registration page