
SCMDM: Set-EnrollmentPermissions returns "Error encountered when delegating container..."

Here's another MDM SP1 issue for you.  This one involves the Set-EnrollmentPermissions command and an error you can receive if SCMDMEnrollmentServers has full permissions on the specified OU:


Issue: When running the Set-EnrollmentPermissions command you may receive the following error:

Set-EnrollmentPermissions : Error encountered when delegating container "OU=SCMDM Managed Devices (Instance1),DC=yonaloc,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com" permission to Enrollment Server.
At line:1 char:26
+ Set-EnrollmentPermissions <<<< "SCMDM MAnaged Devices (Instance1)"

Cause: The Set-EnrollmentPermissions command verifies what permissions SCMDMEnrollmentServers has on the specified OU (i.e. the OU that is passed in the command).  There is a known issue in this verification process where it will return false if Full Permissions are enabled.

Resolution: Do not enable full permission for SCMDMEnrollmentServers group on the device OU. To workaround this issue delete the SCMDMEnrollmentServers group from Security.  To do this follow these steps:

  1. Run DSA.MSC.

  2. Find the OU where you were trying to set permissions.

  3. Right click on the OU and select Properties.

  4. On the Security tab, click on SCCMEnrollmentServers(<your instance name>) and remove it.

The last step is to run the Set-EnrollmentPermissions command again.  This time it should succeed without error.


J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer