
My festive geek gift list

Everyone else does one of these, so I couldn’t resist throwing my gadget and geek desires onto HTML/RSS.

image Flip Mino HD
This little beauty is an HD video recording device. It would be cool to start capturing more and more video moments both personally (family stuff to share with the folks back in NI) and professionally (events, demos) and upload them online.

Flip Mino HD

image Gorilla Tripod
I’m going to Africa in 2009 and want to capture top notch snaps and need something to balance my SLR camera on. The gorilla pod provides that flexibility and won’t take up much of the15KG luggage weight limit for luggage on internal flights like a normal tripod.

Gorilla Tripod

image Zune dock
The Zune software for me whips iTunes butt. When I work from home I have it running on my home PC in the study. What I really want is to have a Zune dock in the kitchen/bedroom hooked up to speakers and wirelessly sync content.

Zune Dock

image HP MediaSmart Homeserver
My media collection is blossoming and with the NXE being my main channel for consuming digital content, I’m not so fussed on using MCE as my media interface. Having everything on a WHS gives me a scalable storage solution that can be stuck in a cupboard and serve the living room, study and personal machines. The BIG thing I’m excited about is having Live Mesh integration as discussed at PDC in October

HP MediaSmart Server

image Sony Vaio TT with all the trimmings (SSD, WiMax, Bluray)
My next laptop has a couple of key requirements – smaller and lighter than my already small/light X61 Lenovo tablet, killer battery life and look good! I saw the new TT Vaio when I was going through Heathrow recently and it looks like it fits the bill.

Sony Vaio TT
