
Hey, Canadian Web Developers! Does This Sound Familiar?

John has more Techdays news over on the Canadian Developer Community Connection Blog:

Over the past few weeks, I've been working hard on the content for the Web Developer track of Microsoft Tech•Days Canada 2008 . Looking at the lighter side of this space, I took a break to come up with a few observations.

"You Might be a Web Developer..."

  1. If you overuse AJAX for household chores, you might be a Web developer.
  2. If you think "passing the Acid test" doesn't refer to a drug problem, you might be a Web developer.
  3. If you know that WYSIWYG isn't a military installation in Iceland, you might be a Web developer.
  4. If you respond to confusing questions with "HTTP 500", you might be a Web developer.
  5. If you doodle angle brackets on napkins, you might be a Web developer.
  6. If your first question is "Where's the API?" when a site launches, you might be a Web developer.
  7. If you own more than ten domain names, you might be a Web developer.
  8. If your "Yo Mamma" jokes include the phrase, "padding: 200%", you might be a Web developer.
  9. If the phrase, "I can program HTML" bugs you, you might be a Web developer.
  10. If there's no place like, you might be a Web developer. (Credit to the folks at ThinkGeek.com)
  11. If you write "HTTP 301" on misaddressed letters, you might be a Web developer.
  12. If your heroes include Tim Berners-Lee, Brendan Eich, Hakon Wium Lie and Bert Bos, you might be a Web developer.
  13. If the phrase, "Lynx FTW!" makes you smile, you might be a Web developer.
  14. If you're frustrated by the fact that the human eye can see more than 256 colours, you might be a Web developer.
  15. If your best pick-up line is "#you + #me { margin: 0; }", you might be a Web developer. (Credit to Kevin Lawver . Well done, sir.)

Are you a Web developer? If so, you’re gonna to love Microsoft Tech•Days Canada 2008 ! We've got a rock-solid itinerary for the Web Developer track, featuring technologies such as ASP.NET MVC , Silverlight , and much more!

Make sure to take advantage of Early Bird Pricing; available only until October 15th! Tickets are selling fast so make sure you can satisfy your angle bracket fix by registering for Microsoft Tech•Days Canada 2008 today!

Technorati Tags: Techdays,Techdays_ca,Techdays 2008,Developer,Microsoft,Canada,Events