
Change Exchange Database Log Prefix

Suppose you want to change the Exchange Database Transaction Log Prefix, from E01 to E08 for example.  Without create new database and move Users’ Mailboxes to it.

 You can achieve that for any exchange version by using ADSIEDIT.

Note: In general we don’t recommend doing the changes from adsiedit, so you have to take extra attention and try to repro it in lab first.

- First, you need to make sure that E08 is not use by any other database in the environment.

- You will dismount the database where you want to change the log prefix.
Make sure that status of database is in clean shutdown state by run eseutil /mh nameofdatabase.edb.

- Move all logs only to another location. Database (edb) file will be in same location.

- Go to adsiedit.msc -> configuration -> services -> Microsoft exchange -> Organization name -> administrative group -> Exchange administrative group -> Databases -> right click on database name and then properties -> change the value of msexchESEparamBaseName to E08.

 For exchange 2003 and 2007, you will right click on storage group name and change same value.

- Wait for replication to complete, or force replication.

- Finally, Mount database, new sequence with E08 will be created.