

On Demand Licensing Training

Get started with Microsoft’s on demand series of Introductory Licensing courses. Each session is designed to not only give you a solid foundation of Microsoft Licensing but also a great first step in achieving your Licensing Certification.

Essential Microsoft Licensing Courses

Introduction to Microsoft Licensing

Introduction to Microsoft Volume Licensing Programs I: Why Volume Licensing

Introduction to Microsoft Volume Licensing Programs II: Program Offerings

Introduction to Microsoft Product Licensing

Introduction to Microsoft Software Assurance for Volume Licensing

Introduction to Microsoft Finance

Introduction to Volume Licensing Tools

The following are modules specific to one of two likening tracks:

Small and Medium Business Track: Exam 70-671

Overview of Microsoft Volume Licensing for Small and Medium Organizations

Overview of Microsoft Open License

Overview of Microsoft Open Value (Company-wide and Non-company-wide)

Overview of Microsoft Open Value Subscription

Large Organizations Track: Exam 70-672

Overview of Microsoft Volume Licensing for Large Organizations

Overview of Microsoft Select License

Overview of Microsoft Select Plus

Overview of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and Enterprise Subscription Agreement


LicenseWise – Build Your Quote Today!

LicenseWise is an online self-service resource that helps partners recommend product and licensing solutions for their customers.

Volume Licensing Briefs
Volume Licensing Briefs provide in-depth knowledge of licensing topics. They are particularly useful for learning about complex licensing situations involving new technologies or combinations of products.

Product Licensing Web
This Web site is designed to provide access to licensing terms, conditions and supplemental information relevant to the use of products licensed through Microsoft Volume Licensing Programs.

License Terms for Microsoft OEM and FPP Software
Use this portal to search and locate the license terms for software licensed to your customers by Microsoft or the computer manufacturer.

Volume Licensing Program Guides

Open Business Program Guide

Open Value Program Guide

Select Program Guide

Enterprise Agreement Program Guide

Microsoft Software Assurance
Software Assurance is more than just an upgrade. You get a broad range of value-added benefits to help you manage costs, get the most out of new technologies, and improve employee productivity.

Licensing Reseller Handbook for Microsoft Partners

The Licensing Reseller Handbook (October 2008)—is a no-nonsense approach to giving you, as a Microsoft licensing reseller or influencer, an overview of the core licensing programs and products to help you be a resource for your customers and provide additional revenue streams for your business.



The postings provided on this page are for informational purposes only.


Microsoft provides this material solely for informational and marketing purposes. Customers and partners should refer to their agreements for a full understanding of their rights and obligations under Microsoft’s Volume Licensing programs. Microsoft software is licensed, not sold. The value and benefit gained through use of Microsoft software and services may vary by customer. Customers with questions about differences between this material and the agreements should contact their reseller or Microsoft account manager.

The contents of this data are subject to change.