
Aruba TCO case study shows Windows has lower TCO than Linux!

“For the same price and features, 85 percent of our customers prefer Windows over Linux. That enables us to optimize infrastructure and achieve great economies of scale, which lowers TCO dramatically.”

Stefano Cecconi, CEO, Aruba

Aruba Logo“At aruba.it, Italy’s largest hosting service provider, Microsoft found that the TCO of its existing Windows®–based shared hosted services was 16 percent lower than the TCO of its Linux–based offerings. Moreover, the contribution margin from the Windows–based services was 14 percent higher than the contribution margin from the analogous Linux–based services. Finally, the profit margin for Windows was 81 percent compared to 77 percent for Linux”.

You can download the case study at https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/b/e/6be5466b-51a5-4eaf-a7fc-590f32bc9cb3/Aruba.it%20Case%20Study.doc.
