
Create Bot for Microsoft Graph with DevOps 13: BotBuilder features – Testing Proactive Messsaging

In the previous article, I implemented proactive messaging when any Outlook event has been updated. In this article, I will explain how to debug and testing.

Remote Debug

As Microsoft Graph Webhook requires publicly accessible callback URL, I had to publish it first to test. However what if I need to live debug the application? Visual Studio and Azure App Services actually let you do it.

1. Publish the O365Bot application as Debug build. Change the settings in publish page.


2. Once published as debug build, attach the service from Server Explorer.


3. Put break point anywhere and do the debug.

Unit Testing

To unit testing this, I need to do following things.

  • Mock INotificationService
  • Receive proactive message

Mock INotificationService

User the following code to mock the service.

 var subscriptionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var mockNotificationService = new Mock<INotificationService>();
mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.SubscribeEventChange()).ReturnsAsync(subscriptionId);
mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.RenewSubscribeEventChange(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));


Receive Proactive Message

To receive the proactive message, I use following Resume method to simulate the behavior.

 /// <summary>
/// Resume the conversation
/// </summary>
public async Task<List<IMessageActivity>> Resume(IContainer container, IDialog<int> dialog, IMessageActivity toBot)
    using (var scope = DialogModule.BeginLifetimeScope(container, toBot))
        var results = new List<IMessageActivity>();

        var botData = scope.Resolve<IBotData>();
        await botData.LoadAsync(CancellationToken.None);
        var task = scope.Resolve<IDialogTask>();

        // Insert dialog to current event
        task.Call(dialog.Void<int, IMessageActivity>(), null);
        await task.PollAsync(CancellationToken.None);
        await botData.FlushAsync(CancellationToken.None);

        // Get the result
        var queue = scope.Resolve<Queue<IMessageActivity>>();
        while (queue.Count != 0)

        return results;

Update Unit Test

Replace the code in  UnitTest1.cs with following.

 using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Tests;
using Microsoft.Bot.Connector;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Autofac;
using O365Bot.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Internals;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Base;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.QualityTools.Testing.Fakes;
using O365Bot.Services;
using Moq;
using Microsoft.Graph;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Internals.Fibers;

namespace O365Bot.UnitTests
    public class SampleDialogTest : DialogTestBase
        public async Task ShouldReturnEvents()
            // Instantiate ShimsContext to use Fakes 
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Return "dummyToken" when calling GetAccessToken method 
                AuthBot.Fakes.ShimContextExtensions.GetAccessTokenIBotContextString =
                    async (a, e) => { return "dummyToken"; };

                var mockEventService = new Mock<IEventService>();
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.GetEvents()).ReturnsAsync(new List<Event>()
                    new Event
                        Subject = "dummy event",
                        Start = new DateTimeTimeZone()
                            DateTime = "2017-05-31 12:00",
                            TimeZone = "Standard Tokyo Time"
                        End = new DateTimeTimeZone()
                            DateTime = "2017-05-31 13:00",
                            TimeZone = "Standard Tokyo Time"
                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                WebApiApplication.Container = builder.Build();

                // Instantiate dialog to test
                IDialog<object> rootDialog = new RootDialog();

                // Create in-memory bot environment
                Func<IDialog<object>> MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
                using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(rootDialog))
                using (var container = Build(Options.MockConnectorFactory | Options.ScopedQueue, rootDialog))
                    // Register global message handler

                    // Create a message to send to bot
                    var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                    toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    toBot.Text = "get events";

                    // Send message and check the answer.
                    IMessageActivity toUser = await GetResponse(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                    // Verify the result
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser.Text.Equals("2017-05-31 12:00-2017-05-31 13:00: dummy event"));

        public async Task ShouldCreateAllDayEvent()
            // Instantiate ShimsContext to use Fakes 
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Return "dummyToken" when calling GetAccessToken method 
                AuthBot.Fakes.ShimContextExtensions.GetAccessTokenIBotContextString =
                    async (a, e) => { return "dummyToken"; };

                // Mock the service and register
                var mockEventService = new Mock<IEventService>();
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.CreateEvent(It.IsAny<Event>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
                var subscriptionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var mockNotificationService = new Mock<INotificationService>();
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.SubscribeEventChange()).ReturnsAsync(subscriptionId);
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.RenewSubscribeEventChange(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                WebApiApplication.Container = builder.Build();

                // Instantiate dialog to test
                IDialog<object> rootDialog = new RootDialog();

                // Create in-memory bot environment
                Func<IDialog<object>> MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
                using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(rootDialog))
                using (var container = Build(Options.MockConnectorFactory | Options.ScopedQueue, rootDialog))
                    // Register global message handler

                    // Create a message to send to bot
                    var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                    // Specify local as US English
                    toBot.Locale = "en-US";
                    toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    toBot.Text = "add appointment";

                    // Send message and check the answer.
                    var toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                    // Verify the result
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("Creating an event."));
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[1].Text.Equals("What is the title?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Learn BotFramework";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("What is the detail?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Implement O365Bot";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("When do you start? Use dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm format."));

                    toBot.Text = "01/07/2017 13:00";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue((toUser[0].Attachments[0].Content as HeroCard).Text.Equals("Is this all day event?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Yes";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("The event is created."));

        public async Task ShouldCreateEvent()
            // Instantiate ShimsContext to use Fakes 
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Return "dummyToken" when calling GetAccessToken method 
                AuthBot.Fakes.ShimContextExtensions.GetAccessTokenIBotContextString =
                    async (a, e) => { return "dummyToken"; };

                // Mock the service and register
                var mockEventService = new Mock<IEventService>();
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.CreateEvent(It.IsAny<Event>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
                var mockNotificationService = new Mock<INotificationService>();
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.SubscribeEventChange()).ReturnsAsync(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.RenewSubscribeEventChange(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                WebApiApplication.Container = builder.Build();

                // Instantiate dialog to test
                IDialog<object> rootDialog = new RootDialog();

                // Create in-memory bot environment
                Func<IDialog<object>> MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
                using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(rootDialog))
                using (var container = Build(Options.MockConnectorFactory | Options.ScopedQueue, rootDialog))
                    // Register global message handler

                    // Create a message to send to bot
                    var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                    // Specify local as US English
                    toBot.Locale = "en-US";
                    toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    toBot.Text = "add appointment";

                    // Send message and check the answer.
                    var toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                    // Verify the result
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("Creating an event."));
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[1].Text.Equals("What is the title?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Learn BotFramework";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("What is the detail?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Implement O365Bot";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("When do you start? Use dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm format."));

                    toBot.Text = "01/07/2017 13:00";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue((toUser[0].Attachments[0].Content as HeroCard).Text.Equals("Is this all day event?"));

                    toBot.Text = "No";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("How many hours?"));

                    toBot.Text = "4";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("The event is created."));

        public async Task ShouldCancelCurrrentDialog()
            // Instantiate ShimsContext to use Fakes 
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Return "dummyToken" when calling GetAccessToken method 
                AuthBot.Fakes.ShimContextExtensions.GetAccessTokenIBotContextString =
 async (a, e) => { return "dummyToken"; };

                // Mock the service and register
                var mockEventService = new Mock<IEventService>();
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.CreateEvent(It.IsAny<Event>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
                var mockNotificationService = new Mock<INotificationService>();
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.SubscribeEventChange()).ReturnsAsync(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.RenewSubscribeEventChange(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                WebApiApplication.Container = builder.Build();

                // Instantiate dialog to test
                IDialog<object> rootDialog = new RootDialog();

                // Create in-memory bot environment
                Func<IDialog<object>> MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
                using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(rootDialog))
                using (var container = Build(Options.MockConnectorFactory | Options.ScopedQueue, rootDialog))
                    // Register global message handler
                    // Create a message to send to bot
                    var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                    // Specify local as US English
                    toBot.Locale = "en-US";
                    toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    toBot.Text = "add appointment";

                    // Send message and check the answer.
                    var toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                    // Verify the result
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("Creating an event."));
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[1].Text.Equals("What is the title?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Learn BotFramework";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("What is the detail?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Cancel";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                    toBot.Text = "add appointment";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                    // Verify the result
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("Creating an event."));
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[1].Text.Equals("What is the title?"));

        public async Task ShouldInterruptCurrentDialog()
            // Instantiate ShimsContext to use Fakes 
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Return "dummyToken" when calling GetAccessToken method 
                AuthBot.Fakes.ShimContextExtensions.GetAccessTokenIBotContextString =
 async (a, e) => { return "dummyToken"; };

                // Mock the service and register
                var mockEventService = new Mock<IEventService>();
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.CreateEvent(It.IsAny<Event>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.GetEvents()).ReturnsAsync(new List<Event>()
                    new Event
                        Subject = "dummy event",
                        Start = new DateTimeTimeZone()
                            DateTime = "2017-05-31 12:00",
                            TimeZone = "Standard Tokyo Time"
                        End = new DateTimeTimeZone()
                            DateTime = "2017-05-31 13:00",
                            TimeZone = "Standard Tokyo Time"
                var mockNotificationService = new Mock<INotificationService>();
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.SubscribeEventChange()).ReturnsAsync(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.RenewSubscribeEventChange(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                WebApiApplication.Container = builder.Build();

                // Instantiate dialog to test
                IDialog<object> rootDialog = new RootDialog();

                // Create in-memory bot environment
                Func<IDialog<object>> MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
                using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(rootDialog))
                using (var container = Build(Options.MockConnectorFactory | Options.ScopedQueue, rootDialog))
                    // Register global message handler

                    // Create a message to send to bot
                    var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                    // Specify local as US English
                    toBot.Locale = "en-US";
                    toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    toBot.Text = "add appointment";

                    // Send message and check the answer.
                    var toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                    // Verify the result
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("Creating an event."));
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[1].Text.Equals("What is the title?"));
                    toBot.Text = "Learn BotFramework";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("What is the detail?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Get Events";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("2017-05-31 12:00-2017-05-31 13:00: dummy event"));

                    toBot.Text = "Glbal Message Handler for O365Bot";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("When do you start? Use dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm format."));

        public async Task ShouldReceiveNotifyEventChageDialog()
            // Instantiate ShimsContext to use Fakes 
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Return "dummyToken" when calling GetAccessToken method 
                AuthBot.Fakes.ShimContextExtensions.GetAccessTokenIBotContextString =
                    async (a, e) => { return "dummyToken"; };

                // Mock the service and register
                var mockEventService = new Mock<IEventService>();
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.CreateEvent(It.IsAny<Event>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.GetEvent(It.IsAny<string>())).ReturnsAsync(new Event()
                    Subject = "dummy event",
                    Start = new DateTimeTimeZone()
                        DateTime = "2017-05-31 12:00",
                        TimeZone = "Standard Tokyo Time"
                    End = new DateTimeTimeZone()
                        DateTime = "2017-05-31 13:00",
                        TimeZone = "Standard Tokyo Time"
                    Body = new ItemBody()
                        Content = "Dummy Body"
                    Location = new Location()
                        DisplayName = "Dummy Location"

                var subscriptionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var mockNotificationService = new Mock<INotificationService>();
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.SubscribeEventChange()).ReturnsAsync(subscriptionId);
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.RenewSubscribeEventChange(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                WebApiApplication.Container = builder.Build();

                // Instantiate dialog to test
                IDialog<object> rootDialog = new RootDialog();

                // Create in-memory bot environment
                Func<IDialog<object>> MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
                using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(rootDialog))
                using (var container = Build(Options.MockConnectorFactory | Options.ScopedQueue, rootDialog))
                    // Register global message handler

                    // Create a message to send to bot
                    var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                    // Specify local as US English
                    toBot.Locale = "en-US";
                    toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    toBot.Text = "add appointment";

                    // Send message and check the answer.
                    var toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                    // Verify the result
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("Creating an event."));
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[1].Text.Equals("What is the title?"));

                    toBot.Text = "Learn BotFramework";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("What is the detail?"));

                    // Send Proactive Message
                    // Use current subscriptionid to get ConversationReference。
                    var conversationReference = CacheService.caches[subscriptionId] as ConversationReference;
                    // Get an Event Id
                    var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    // Get local and set it
                    var activity = conversationReference.GetPostToBotMessage();
                    var locale = CacheService.caches[activity.From.Id].ToString();
                    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(locale);
                    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(locale);
                    toUser = await Resume(container, new NotifyEventChageDialog(id), activity);

                    Assert.IsTrue((toUser[0].Attachments[0].Content as HeroCard).Text.Equals("One of your events has been updated."));

                    toBot.Text = "Check the detail";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("Check the detail"));
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[1].Text.Equals("2017-05-31 12:00-2017-05-31 13:00: dummy event@Dummy Location-Dummy Body"));

                    toBot.Text = "Implement O365Bot";
                    toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);
                    Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("When do you start? Use dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm format."));

        /// <summary>
        /// Send a message to the bot and get repsponse.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<IMessageActivity> GetResponse(IContainer container, Func<IDialog<object>> makeRoot, IMessageActivity toBot)
            using (var scope = DialogModule.BeginLifetimeScope(container, toBot))
                DialogModule_MakeRoot.Register(scope, makeRoot);

                // act: sending the message
                using (new LocalizedScope(toBot.Locale))
                    var task = scope.Resolve<IPostToBot>();
                    await task.PostAsync(toBot, CancellationToken.None);
                //await Conversation.SendAsync(toBot, makeRoot, CancellationToken.None);
                return scope.Resolve<Queue<IMessageActivity>>().Dequeue();

        /// <summary>
        /// Send a message to the bot and get all repsponses.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<List<IMessageActivity>> GetResponses(IContainer container, Func<IDialog<object>> makeRoot, IMessageActivity toBot)
            using (var scope = DialogModule.BeginLifetimeScope(container, toBot))
                var results = new List<IMessageActivity>();
                DialogModule_MakeRoot.Register(scope, makeRoot);

                // act: sending the message
                using (new LocalizedScope(toBot.Locale))
                    var task = scope.Resolve<IPostToBot>();
                    await task.PostAsync(toBot, CancellationToken.None);
                //await Conversation.SendAsync(toBot, makeRoot, CancellationToken.None);
                var queue = scope.Resolve<Queue<IMessageActivity>>();
                while (queue.Count != 0)

                return results;

        /// <summary>
        /// Register Global Message
        /// </summary>
        private void RegisterBotModules(IContainer container)
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            builder.RegisterModule(new ReflectionSurrogateModule());

        /// <summary>
        /// Resume the conversation
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<List<IMessageActivity>> Resume(IContainer container, IDialog<object> dialog, IMessageActivity toBot)
            using (var scope = DialogModule.BeginLifetimeScope(container, toBot))
                var results = new List<IMessageActivity>();

                var botData = scope.Resolve<IBotData>();
                await botData.LoadAsync(CancellationToken.None);
                var task = scope.Resolve<IDialogTask>();

                // Insert dialog to current event
                task.Call(dialog.Void<object, IMessageActivity>(), null);
                await task.PollAsync(CancellationToken.None);
                await botData.FlushAsync(CancellationToken.None);

                // Get the result
                var queue = scope.Resolve<Queue<IMessageActivity>>();
                while (queue.Count != 0)

                return results;


Function Test

Due to the following technical limitation for current function test, I gave up the test.

  • DirectLine cannot get proactive message. It only get returns from Bot when it retrieves the answer.
  • Need additional automation for Outlook event modification.

Check in code to confirm all the unit tests are passed and successfully deployed.


I only mock the proactive service by adding Resume method, but I may need to mock the notification controller itself rather than just resume method. There is also DirectLine limitation. Please let me know if you have better idea how to test proactive messaging.

In the next article, I will explain about middleware implementation for Bot Framework.

GitHub: https://github.com/kenakamu/BotWithDevOps-Blog-sample/tree/master/article13
