
Deck: Accelerate DevOps in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio Online (VSO)

Thanks for attending one of my recent DevOps talks over the past few weeks in our community! In this article, I’m providing a copy of my deck, a session recording and additional resources to help you learn more about how your DevOps transformation and processes can be accelerated with Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio Online.

Accelerate DevOps in the Cloud

Download a copy of this deck for offline review.

Download a recorded video of this session for offline review.

Ready to Get Started with DevOps in the Cloud?

Use these resources to get started down the path of more closely evaluating the use of our cloud technologies to help accelerate your DevOps transformation and processes.

  1. Activate your Azure MSDN benefits or a FREE Azure Trial subscription
  2. Activate a FREE Visual Studio Online subscription
  3. Check out the series: Accelerating DevOps with the Cloud
  4. Attend a Jump Start: DevOps for IT Pros