
Work/Life Balance & Updates thereto

A more personal blog this time. Taking time off is as essential as working. So the weekend, it was mostly catching up with episodes of Farscape. I really ought to get my own copy instead of borrowing it from friends! There's one on ebay that I've got my eye on. Hopefully I'll have a few visitors from the States or elsewhere with ebay who'll let me know a couple of weeks in advance (hint hint!).

And there was Pool and Bowling. Hidden behind the October War Panorama on the Saleh Salem Road stands a white colored building bearing the title "National Bowling Center". Me and my friends have been lurking here for the past 3 Saturdays, spending 3-4 hours there playing Pool or blasting the pins. It's turned into an addiction for some of us, and a welcome one. It's a genuine pleasure to score a strike or win a game of pool. Things seem so much better once you've kicked someone's behind. I do have a very strong and well-hidden competitive streak that seems to break out those days. It's welcome competition, far from the cut-throat competition we may see from our rivals.

And there was Never Check Your Email in the Morning - an awesome book! I've finished 23 pages and already feeling the effects. I strongly recommend this to you all. I'll get back to work now - I'm reading some beta documentation on Office Communications Server 2007.