
Cake Delivery Services R us

IMG_1761Yesterday morning I got a call from my old buddies on the IE team asking me to help out with a cake delivery. I was happy to help out, and Gerry’s Cakes (www.gerryscakes.com) in Menlo Park was able to pull together an awesome 3D cake with only a couple hours notice. Mozilla’s offices are 2 minutes away from the MS campus in Mountain View, so it was a short drive over to drop it off.

Al Billings wrote up the delivery on his blog, and it got picked up on Techmeme this morning (and on Lockergnome, Ars Technica, and Gizmodo – read the comments, they are hilarious).

Apparently though, according to those in the know, all this pales into comparison, when, earlier today, the cake attained the official status of “dope” earlier today when Trent mentioned it on PinkIsTheNewBlog.com.
