
You need to know : Windows Server 8 Hyper-V Beta new scale numbers

    Hi All :

    Windows 8 and windows Server 8 beta version is released , virtualization still a key update feature .

    From Windows Server 8 developer preview to comsumer preview , Hyper-V have two highlighted scalability updates :

  1.  160 logical processors per host
  2.  1024 VMs per host
  3.  64 nodes per cluster
  4.  4000 VMs per cluster
  5.  32 virtual processors per VM
  6.  1 TB memory per VM (Dev Preview : this was up to 512 GB per VM)
  7.  64 TB per VHDX (Dev Preview : this was up 16TB GB per VHDX)

   In addition, these scalability metrics lead the industry:

  • VMware vSphere 5.0 support up to 32 nodes in a cluster. Windows Server 8 Hyper-V supports 64 nodes. (2x over VMware)
  • VMware vSphere 5.0  supports virtual disks up to 2 TB in size. Windows Server Hyper-V 8 supports virtual disks up to 64 TB in size (32x over VMware)
  • While VMware supports up to 1 TB of memory per VM, you have to purchase vSphere 5.x Enterprise Plus ($3,500 per processor) and then purchase memory entitlements (taxes) to achieve this goal. Hyper-V 8 has no such tax or entitlement. Such taxes are an anathema to our customers. Every version of Windows Server 8 that ships with Hyper-V will support up to 1 TB of memory per VM.
  • VMWare vSphere 5.0 support 3000 VMs per cluster . Windows Server 8 supports 4000
  • VMWare vSphere 5.0 support 512 VMs per host . Windows Server 8 supports 1024


    You can find newest update information from this blog post : https://blogs.technet.com/b/justin_gao/archive/2012/06/01/you-need-to-know-windows-server-2012-hyper-v-scale-updates.aspx


    Enjoy !

    Justin Gao

    Microsoft (China)


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    thank you
  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2012