
The democratization of media continues

Wow!  A new high for user generated content: 1 song, 5 parts, 1 guy -- all in streaming HD video!

Jon Box pointed me to this amazing post from Carl Franklin where he videos himself doing a Steeley Dan tune (Home at Last, 1977).  It's all Carl -- he plays all the instruments, sings the song, mixes the music, shoots video of himself playing each part, and then puts it all together into a single video, encodes with Expression Encoder in HD Silverlight, and is streaming  HD video over the web.  You got to see it -- VERY impressive! 

Now, not everyone has a studio to record in or the nice camera, and more importantly, not everyone has the talent to make it fun to watch, but fundamentally this high kind of high quality streaming audio and video experience is now possible in a home/amateur environment.  The amateur audio/video market just took another step toward democratized media and professional production value. 

Want to try it yourself?  Here's some free training on Expression Encoder to get you started.  You're on your own for the music lessons.  ;-) 

Technorati Tags: Silverlight , HD Video
