
May/June Northeast Roadshow for Developers and Architects

clip_image002Bob Familiar, Jim O’Neil and Chris Bowen, Developer and Architect Evangelists in our New England District are at it again.  They'll be heading out in May and June for their fifth Northeast Roadshow:

  • May 22nd – Burlington, VT
  • May 28th – Portland, ME
  • May 29th – Waltham, MA
  • June 10th – Rochester, NY
  • June 12th – Farmington, CT

Topics for this series include LINQ (SQL & Entities), VSTO, Silverlight 2, and ASP.NET MVC.

Interested in joining them for a relaxed day of low-fluff, high-signal content for developers and architects!?  Then check out out one of their blog for complete details on the event and how to register.