
Tip: Getting Smart Quotes into OneNote 2007 or 2010

Nezzie over on the social newsgroup wanted smart quotes - “ and ” - in OneNote. While OneNote does not have this built in automatically like Word, it is possible to use AutoCorrect to add this to OneNote. Here's how:

First , open AutoCorrect options in File | Options | Proofing in OneNote 2010.  In 2007, it’s Tools | Autocorrect Options:


Then in the AutoCorrect dialog add something you want to type to be replaced with the open quote “ character. For right now, I'm just going to use the letter q by itself. Then in the With box, type ALT+0147 and Windows will use the open quotes smart quote character. It should look like this:


Click Add.

Then add the text you want to use for close quotes. I'll use qq and then in the With: box type ALT+0148 to get the close quotes. Click Add and then OK.

Now a quick test. I'll type q Hello, World qq and I should see this:


It works just like expected. Now if I want a richer text editing behavior, I can have it. I used the letter q and qq just because I know I'm not likely to use them by themselves all that often. I had originally used the " character by itself but then realized I don't always want smart quotes.

Anyway, I hope this tip helps. AutoCorrect is a really powerful feature and it is well worth the time to explore it a bit.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,



  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2010
    I just installed OneNote 2010 and the Autocorrect option only works for some words, not others. So, for example, when I type tale it replaces  the word tale with "tale" including the quotes - just like I told it to. But when I type in another word, say fail it leaves the word fail as fail - without the quotes... please help! I do not know why the Autocorrect on OneNote 2010 works with some words and not others even though I am entering them as they should be entered to be auto-corrected....

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2010
    I just read this post and I tried to do the ALT+0147 and ALT+0148, with no luck.  I have typed q by itself in the replace field, but when I go to the with field it doesn't allow me to press ALT+0147 or ALT+0148.  Can you tell me what I am doing wrong, because I am usually really good at figuring this stuff out. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2010
    Do you have a laptop?  What happens when you try to type ALT+0147? And you can use charmap to copy the quote character if all else fails.  Start | Run | Charmap and scroll down to the 0147 and 0148 quote marks.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2010
    Just figured it out, thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2010
    What was the solution?