
The training session I helped with is online

Back on June 4th, a couple of us on the OneNote team helped out with an online training session aimed at IT workers. It was a very fun time and we got to answer a large number of questions. It is always great to hear these since it gives us ideas on how we can make OneNote better in the future.

The entire session is now available online and here are the details:


Doug and Dave (and the rest of us in MVA, MSL and DPE) had such a great time delivering the Organizing & Sharing with OneNote Jump Start on June 4! What a fantastic audience! We send our thanks to you for investing a valuable day with us!

For those who wish to review the session or couldn’t attend, the video recording is now posted to MVA — enjoy!


I also checked this out and if you expand the course, the Q&A session (which is where I helped) is also available.

If you missed it then, you can check it out now on the virtual academy. It was a lot of fun and I hope we get opportunities to chat with everyone like this again.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,
