
Math and OneNote and art

Looking around my email last night, I found this note I had left for myself:

"yrs ago I fell in love w math doodles as art https://is.gd/99NmA Now I have student posting hers https://is.gd/99Nww."

 I had email this to myself and had no idea why - it's been a while. I clicked the links (they resolve to https://artofstaceykite.com/mathframeset.html and Mr. Morris' math class at https://discovery.caryacademy.org/michellew775/ if you don't want to use the shortened URLs) and was seriously impressed.

 I'll let you click through and see what they are doing with Math and OneNote, and believe me, it is worth the click. All I will say is "amazing!"

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,